District 1
Katherine A. Bruch (D)

Phone: (505) 235-5628
Email: kbruch@sandovalcountynm.gov
2nd Term, Re-Elected November 2022
Seat Term January 2023 - December 2026
Next election for this seat is November 2026
About Commissioner Katherine Bruch
Commissioner Bruch has resided in Placitas for over ten years, after relocating to New Mexico with her husband, Frank Serrano. After settling in, Bruch quickly began volunteering in the community, which helped her build relationships with the people that would soon become her constituents.
“I have volunteered with many organizations in the Placitas area and throughout the County,” she said. “Combined with my experience of the past four years as County Commissioner, I believe that I have gained a much greater understanding of the issues we face in Sandoval County and in New Mexico.”
District 1 was redesigned based upon the 2020 census, taking away much of Commissioner Bruch’s prior district, and giving her new areas.
“While I certainly miss representing areas in the northeast part of the County, I am excited to represent the Village of Corrales and new areas in Rio Rancho. Sandoval County is the fastest growing county in the State, and I am looking forward to new challenges in my second term.”
Bruch said her goal is to make Sandoval County a destination for new residents and families and to help economic growth while helping the County to provide essential health and safety services. Bruch currently serves on the statewide Counties Association and continues to volunteer with local organizations.